- Oct 22 Sun 2017 12:06
- Oct 20 Fri 2017 20:26
[譯者] 貿易英文口筆譯
- Oct 20 Fri 2017 12:01
- Oct 20 Fri 2017 03:16
- Oct 19 Thu 2017 18:45
- Oct 19 Thu 2017 10:22
- Oct 19 Thu 2017 01:58
- Oct 18 Wed 2017 17:33
- Oct 18 Wed 2017 09:03
同窗們,上課嚕!Talking Pad 語音翻譯機開箱!
- Oct 17 Tue 2017 16:07
影/太神!劉在錫不靠翻譯讀人心 「憑感受」聽懂蒙古語
- Oct 17 Tue 2017 07:44
一帶一路功效 肯亞蒙內鐵路將於6月通車
- Oct 16 Mon 2017 23:19
中文退步?子瑜貼心翻譯 卻沒人看懂
- Oct 16 Mon 2017 14:55
臉書發現新方式 翻譯文字更快更正確
- Oct 16 Mon 2017 06:30
MLB/批田中將大帶翻譯不正當 紅襪球評道歉了
- Oct 15 Sun 2017 22:05
科技翻譯服務這是我很喜歡 翻譯短文 翻譯公司 翻譯來獻醜一下 翻譯公司 請版友們指教! 原文在此: http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Charlotte_Perkins_Gilman/The_Yellow_Wallpaper /The_Yellow_Wallpaper_p1.html The Yellow Wallpaper 黃色壁紙 It is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John and myself secure ancestral halls for the summer. 像約翰跟我這種再通俗不過的人竟然會在炎天守著家傳宅第, 真是件難得的事 翻譯社 A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate 翻譯公司 I would say a haunted house, and reach the height of romantic felicity--but that would be asking too much of fate! 這間殖風氣格 翻譯宅第,或是該說那是家傳的莊園,我會乾脆說那是鬼屋,並且是間羅曼蒂 克的鬼屋--羅曼蒂克到要支付所有價格! Still I will proudly declare that there is something queer about it. 儘管如此,我照舊相當高傲地告知你他有什麼詭異的。 Else, why should it be let so cheaply? And why have stood so long untenanted? 還有,為何這個宅第這麼便宜? 又是因為什麼所以久無人居? John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. 約翰冷笑著我的"愚昧",當然這在婚姻裡最常見不過了。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition 翻譯公司 and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put down in figures. 約翰是極端實際 翻譯人。他沒耐心去探討所謂的信心,也極度厭惡迷信; 並且他對於任何 他沒法感觸感染不能看見描繪不出形象的器材嗤之以鼻 翻譯社 John is a physician, and PERHAPS--(I would not say it to a living soul 翻譯公司 of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind)--PERHAPS that is one reason I do not get well faster. 約翰是個大夫,這也許(當然我不會跟他人說這個,不外我現在是寫在紙上發洩)也許這就 是讓我不恬逸 翻譯處所。 You see he does not believe I am sick! 你看,他基本不認為我病了! And what can one do? 所以我該怎麼辦? If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression--a slight hysterical tendency--what is one to do? 假如你有個具有高尚地位的大夫,跟你的朋友親戚們擔保一切都沒事,不外就是個短暫 翻譯 精力憂鬱症 -- 有點歇斯底里的傾向 -- 你會怎麼做? My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing. 我的哥哥也是個具有崇高地位 翻譯大夫,他也說了一樣的話。 So I take phosphates or phosphites--whichever it is 翻譯公司 and tonics 翻譯公司 and journeys, and air, and exercise 翻譯公司 and am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again. 所以我開始服用磷酸鹽(還是亞磷酸鹽? 管他是什麼), 入手下手吃滋補藥品, 起頭旅行,呼 吸新鮮空氣,做活動... 不外在我復原前他們絕對制止我入手下手工作。 Personally, I disagree with their ideas. 就我小我來講,我並不贊成他們的設法 翻譯社 Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change 翻譯公司 would do me good. But what is one to do? 就我個人來說,對我有益的是,能讓我興奮和改變的,我喜好 翻譯工作 。 可是我能怎麼辦? I did write for a while in spite of them; but it DOES exhaust me a good deal--having to be so sly about it, or else meet with heavy opposition. 不管他們怎麼做,我還是努力寫了一會兒,不外這花了我好大的精神 -- 我必須更心機一 點,否則我會晤對強烈的否決。 I sometimes fancy that my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus--but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition 翻譯公司 and I confess it always makes me feel bad. 有時刻我會想像著: 若是我沒有遭受這麼多反對,而且我有更多社交 翻譯機遇和更多鼓勵, 我還會是這樣嗎? -- 不過約翰說那對我今朝的狀態來說再糟糕不外了,我也得認可這讓 我感覺很糟。 So I will let it alone and talk about the house. 所以,我跳過這個不談,先說說這個房子吧 翻譯社 The most beautiful place! It is quite alone, standing well back from the road, quite three miles from the village. It makes me think of English places that you read about, for there are hedges and walls and gates that lock, and lots of separate little houses for the gardeners and people. 這是我到過最美麗的處所! 沒有左鄰右舍,離首要道路有點距離,至少離最近 翻譯村子有三 喱吧. 這讓我起頭聯想到曾在書入耳聞到的英式莊園: 有著樹籬,圍牆和鎖住的大門, 四周還有許多供花匠和居民住 翻譯自力小房子 翻譯社 There is a DELICIOUS garden! I never saw such a garden--large and shady, full of box-bordered paths 翻譯公司 and lined with long grape-covered arbors with seats under them. 這花圃真是太有魅力了! 我曆來沒看過這樣的花園 -- 泛博並且綠樹成蔭,到處都有黃楊 籬笆的巷子,還有葡萄藤環繞糾纏著的涼亭。 There were greenhouses, too 翻譯公司 but they are all broken now. 正本這裡也有一些花房,不外全都損壞了。 There was some legal trouble, I believe 翻譯公司 something about the heirs and coheirs; anyhow, the place has been empty for years. 因為一些法令上的問題,我想是跟這房子 翻譯繼承人仍是配合繼承人有關,這個處所已經有 幾年沒人住了。 That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don't care--there is something strange about the house--I can feel it. 我想這讓我心裡的鬼靈精有點掃性,不外我不介懷 -- 因為我能感覺到這房子有點怪僻 翻譯社 I even said so to John one moonlight evening 翻譯公司 but he said what I felt was a DRAUGHT, and shut the window. 曾在一個有月光的傍晚,我告知約翰我的感覺,然則他說那是因為透風太大的關係,然 後關上了窗戶。 I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes. I'm sure I never used to be so sensitive. I think it is due to this nervous condition. 我有時會沒來由地對約翰發脾性. 我很確定我之前曆來沒這麼敏感. 我想這是因為我太緊 張了。 But John says if I feel so, I shall neglect proper self-control; so I take pains to control myself--before him 翻譯公司 at least, and that makes me very tired. 但是約翰說假如我真 翻譯感受如此,那應當是我沒有好好控制我本身; 所以我想盡舉措試 著至少在他眼前控制我本身,這真的讓我感受很疲累。 I don't like our room a bit. I wanted one downstairs that opened on the piazza and had roses all over the window, and such pretty old-fashioned chintz hangings! but John would not hear of it. 我一點也不喜歡不喜好我們的睡房,一個不但用斑斓老式印花棉布裝潢著 翻譯房間, 並且位在樓下面對著廣場,如許打開窗戶就能看到滿滿玫瑰 -- 不外約翰沒興趣 知道 翻譯社 He said there was only one window and not room for two beds, and no near room for him if he took another. 他說這裡只有一個窗戶,並且沒有任何房間能放下兩張床,他也找不到相鄰的房間。 He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction. 他真 翻譯很仔細並且很疼我,幾乎不會讓我失了標的目的。 I have a schedule prescription for each hour in the day; he takes all care from me 翻譯公司 and so I feel basely ungrateful not to value it more. 他幫我安排好了天天的每一個小時,所以若是我不好好愛護保重我便覺得本身利令智昏。 "Your exercise depends on your strength, my dear," said he 翻譯公司 "and your food somewhat on your appetite; but air you can absorb all the time." So we took the nursery at the top of the house. 他說: "親愛的,能不克不及好好復健跟你 翻譯體力有關,你的食物必需符合你的口胃,最主要 翻譯是讓你隨時有新穎的空氣可以呼吸". 所以我們把看護房放置在頂樓 翻譯社 It is a big, airy room 翻譯公司 the whole floor nearly, with windows that look all ways, and air and sunshine galore. It was nursery first and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge; for the windows are barred for little children 翻譯公司 and there are rings and things in the walls. 那是個既大又通風的房間,全部樓層跟窗戶看起來都一樣,佈滿著空氣和光輝 翻譯陽光。窗 戶被拴住用以保護小孩,並在牆壁上有吊環和另外東西。我判定這正本是育兒房,然後改 裝為遊戲室和健身房。 The paint and paper look as if a boys' school had used it. It is stripped off--the paper--in great patches all around the head of my bed, about as far as I can reach, and in a great place on the other side of the room low down. I never saw a worse paper in my life. 糟的粉刷和剝離的壁紙讓我懷孕處須眉學校 翻譯錯覺,天花板的壁紙有一大片讓我伸手可 及補釘,就在我的床頭上方,而這張壁紙 翻譯在靠房間另一邊是全部垂下來的. 我從沒看過 這麼糟糕的壁紙 翻譯社 One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin. 此中一個誇張華美的圖案的確就是在殘害藝術。 It is dull enough to confuse the eye in following 翻譯公司 pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide--plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions. 這圖案無聊到讓你目眩繚亂,想表達 翻譯多到延續地刺激慫恿你的思慮,當你順著這畸形的 曲線走了一點距離會發現忽然斷了 -- 一會兒改變到沒法理解的角度,破損本身聞所未 聞 翻譯矛盾。 The color is repelllent, almost revolting; a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. 色彩討厭到幾近使人做嘔, 那是因日曬而零落凋落的,佈滿壓制感 翻譯不平均黃色。 It is a dull yet lurid orange in some places 翻譯公司 a sickly sulphur tint in others. 帶有一點既煩悶而又刺目耀眼的橙色,還有噁心的硫磺色 翻譯社 No wonder the children hated it! I should hate it myself if I had to live in this room long. 不要說小孩會厭煩,若是我得長時間待在這房間我也會憎惡 翻譯社 There comes John, and I must put this away 翻譯公司--he hates to have me write a word. 約翰來了, 我也必需停下來了,因為他憎惡我亂寫一通。 We have been here two weeks, and I haven't felt like writing before, since that first day. 我們已在這邊待了兩個禮拜,並且曆來到這裡 翻譯第一天起,我曆來沒這麼愛寫作。 I am sitting by the window now 翻譯公司 up in this atrocious nursery, and there is nothing to hinder my writing as much as I please, save lack of strength. 我目前坐在窗邊,依舊在這個糟透了的關照室裡,這裡並沒有什麼能阻礙我的寫作, 今朝 只是保存實力。
- Oct 15 Sun 2017 14:55
芬蘭語翻譯[翻譯] Mr. Pickles 醃黃瓜師長教師S02E01 - 瘋人院 http://tinyurl.com/hleme23 湯米 翻譯外公先前因為進犯警長被送進了瘋人院, 外公很高興能和醃黃瓜師長教師就此阻遏, 湯米卻整天悶悶不樂!醃黃瓜師長教師該如之奈何? 睽違將近兩年,醃黃瓜師長教師第二季強勢回歸! 準備好重新徜徉在撒旦惡魔血腥美學中了嗎? 讓我們一路來呼喚:醃黃瓜師長教師! 正告:本卡通包含很多暴力、血腥、性行為的昭示暗示及惡魔崇敬畫面, 請肯定自己的身心健全足以承受衝擊後再撫玩 翻譯社 -- ◢▆▲◣ ◢/ ◢/ ◥◥▼ ▲▼\\▲ 好色龍的網路生活察看日誌 ▼◢◤◢◣ ◣\ =*】。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯*】 http://hornydragon.blogspot.com/ ◥◤◤◥█◤ ◢◢◣ ▲凸▲▼ ◣● 大量美式動漫畫翻譯 ◥● ●◥◤ ◢◤◥ ◣▲\◆ ▆▇ 【("◢ ★ ▲ ◥ ▼;★;◤ ▋ ●● 爪▼H ▼◢▲
- Oct 15 Sun 2017 06:34
- Oct 14 Sat 2017 22:12
- Oct 14 Sat 2017 13:49
少女漫畫「神翻譯」男主角名字 竟造成女主角髒話連篇?
- Oct 14 Sat 2017 05:23
- Oct 13 Fri 2017 20:59
請問電子字典(電腦辭典/翻譯機)的對照...; 謝謝!
- Oct 13 Fri 2017 18:00
Google 翻譯可以離線使用了
- Oct 13 Fri 2017 09:34
請人人幫忙 翻譯汽車專用英文(裡面有兩張圖片)
- Oct 13 Fri 2017 01:09
英文大不同?@Here is Taipei
- Oct 12 Thu 2017 16:38
- Oct 05 Thu 2017 20:08
超強的 一封英文情書~~沒學過的別學喔
- Oct 05 Thu 2017 11:19
北韓綁架獲釋日人 流露糊口在看管中
- Oct 05 Thu 2017 02:43
- Oct 04 Wed 2017 18:18
柯文哲英文版世大運謝詞僅出現一次台灣 網友失望
- Oct 04 Wed 2017 09:49
- Oct 04 Wed 2017 01:19
- Oct 03 Tue 2017 08:05
唸譯研所的前途?@i am emily
- Oct 02 Mon 2017 23:20
- Oct 02 Mon 2017 14:54
- Oct 02 Mon 2017 06:30
- Oct 01 Sun 2017 22:05
[工作實錄31] part 2
- Oct 01 Sun 2017 13:29
- Oct 01 Sun 2017 05:03
- Sep 30 Sat 2017 20:32
- Sep 30 Sat 2017 20:13
- Sep 30 Sat 2017 11:37
蔡英文上時期雜誌 黃智賢提6點毛病解讀
- Sep 30 Sat 2017 03:11
太陽花翻譯組長陳瑞光 車禍身亡
- Sep 29 Fri 2017 18:48
郭彥均4超人搞詫異 哈孝遠解救菜英文
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- Sep 28 Thu 2017 14:14
日經專訪郭董 為什麼鴻海才是東芝記憶體最佳買主
- Sep 28 Thu 2017 05:41
[單字] 南北貨的英文翻譯
- Sep 27 Wed 2017 21:06
[心得] 快思慢想 翻譯挑錯
馬爾他語翻譯昨天才在Kindle上看完原作,很好奇大賣 翻譯中文本是 什麼樣子,因為它是出自洪蘭的手筆,她翻的第51本書! 一脈相承,果然沒讓我失望,隨手就挑出一堆毛病, 而這只是最前面的幾頁而已! 可惜了一本好書,因為譯者是洪蘭,以後大概不會有 別的譯本在台出版了 翻譯社悲夫! 我只挑翻譯明顯錯誤的部分,至於修辭就算了, 多讀一行,是多一分折磨 翻譯社 中文來自博客來書店 翻譯摘選。 ------------------------------ The psychologist Gary Klein tells the story of a team of firefighters that entered a house in which the kitchen was on fire. Soon after they started hosing down the kitchen 翻譯公司 the commander heard himself shout 翻譯公司 “Let’s get out of here!” without realizing why. The floor collapsed almost immediately after the firefighters escaped. Only after the fact did the commander realize that the fire had been unusually quiet and that his ears had been unusually hot. Together, these impressions prompted what he called a “sixth sense of danger.” He had no idea what was wrong 翻譯公司 but he knew something was wrong. It turned out that the heart of the fire had not been in the kitchen but in the basement beneath where the men had stood. 心理學家克萊恩(Gary Klein)曾經說過一個故事:一群消防隊員進入一間廚房著火的房 子,他們很快就把火熄滅了,消防隊長聽到他自己大喊:「馬上撤出!」他並不知道自己 為什麼會這樣說,但是當消防隊一離開,地板就垮掉了。事後,消防隊長才知道,因為這 場火比一般火災安靜,沒有劇烈燃燒的巨大聲音,而他 翻譯耳朵又感覺到比正常時更熱,這 激發了他的「危機第六感」(Sixth Sense of danger)。他並不知道有什麼地方不對, 但是他知道不對勁了,後來發現原來火源並不是在廚房,而是在地下室,消防隊員們就站 在火源上頭。 ------------------------------------ 評: Soon after they started hosing down the kitchen 他們(消防隊)才開始澆灌而已,還沒把火熄滅 "沒有劇烈燃燒的巨大聲音" 原文所無,感謝譯者的創作 ----------------------------------- We have all heard such stories of expert intuition: the chess master who walks past a street game and announces “White mates in three” without stopping, or the physician who makes a complex diagnosis after a single glance at a patient. Expert intuition strikes us as magical, but it is not. Indeed 翻譯公司 each of us performs feats of intuitive expertise many times each day. Most of us are pitch-perfect in detecting anger in the first word of a telephone call, recognize as we enter a room that we were the subject of the conversation, and quickly react to subtle signs that the driver of the car in the next lane is dangerous. Our everyday intuitive abilities are no less marvelous than the striking insights of an experienced firefighter or physician—only more common. 我們都聽過這種專家直覺 翻譯故事:西洋棋大師在經過街頭棋局時,腳步都沒停,就說「再 三步,白棋贏」;醫生只要看病人一眼就做出複雜 翻譯診斷。專家的直覺在我們看起來好像 是魔術,但其實不是。我們每一個人每一天都在做專家的直覺判斷,大部分人在接聽電話 的第一個字時,就能偵察到對方的憤怒;一走進房間,就立刻知道別人正在談論我們;危 險駕駛,立刻做出因應 翻譯避禍措施。我們每一天 翻譯直覺能力並不比有經驗的消防隊員或醫 生差,只不過我們經歷的都是日常小事而已。 ----------------------------------- 評: strikes us as magical strikes us 是突然想到 翻譯意思,像被什麼打了一樣,不是「在我們看起來好像」 Expert intuition strikes us as magical 專家的直覺突然憑空而來,彷彿變魔術一般 pitch-perfect 「準確」沒翻 quickly react to subtle signs that the driver of the car in the next lane is dangerous 用「危險駕駛,立刻做出因應 翻譯避禍措施」打發隔壁車道的危險駕駛, 反應確實很迅速。 only more common 都是日常小事而已嗎? 只是比較尋常罷了。 ----------------------------------- The psychology of accurate intuition involves no magic. Perhaps the best short statement of it is by the great Herbert Simon, who studied chess masters and showed that after thousands of hours of practice they come to see the pieces on the board differently from the rest of us. You can feel Simon’ s impatience with the mythologizing of expert intuition when he writes: “The situation has provided a cue; this cue has given the expert access to information stored in memory 翻譯公司 and the information provides the answer. Intuition is nothing more and nothing less than recognition.” 正確直覺的心理學並沒有任何魔術在裡面,或許最好的一句話就是研究西洋棋大師的心理 學家賽蒙(Herbert Simon)說的:西洋棋大師和我們最大的不同是,在花過幾千個小時 下棋後,他們看棋盤 翻譯方式已經跟我們不一樣了 翻譯社從賽蒙下面所說的話,你可以感受到他 很不耐煩坊間把專家的直覺神話化:「情境提供了線索,讓專家得以從記憶提取訊息,並 提供答案 翻譯社直覺就是辨識(recognition),不多也不少,就是它 翻譯社」 ----------------------------------- 評: The psychology of accurate intuition involves no magic. psychology 這裡不能翻譯為心理學;而是「心理過程」或「心理特點」 Longman Dictionary: mental processes involved in believing in something or doing a certain activity OALD: mental characteristics of a person or group 看到 -logy 就只會翻譯為「─學」,是初學翻譯的人才會有的愚蠢反射動作 當作:正確直覺的心理過程沒有包含任何魔術 "great" Herbert Simon 洪蘭大概覺得他不偉大吧? pieces on the board 棋盤上的棋子 看「棋局」 翻譯方式 光看棋盤幹嘛呀? 坊間,市街之間,多指書坊。原文無 翻譯社 ------------------------------------ We are not surprised when a two-year-old looks at a dog and says “doggie!” because we are used to the miracle of children learning to recognize and name things. Simon’s point is that the miracles of expert intuition have the same character. Valid intuitions develop when experts have learned to recognize familiar elements in a new situation and to act in a manner that is appropriate to it. Good intuitive judgments come to mind with the same immediacy as “doggie!” 我們看到一個兩歲孩子看到狗時,說「狗狗」,一點也不奇怪,因為我們已經習慣孩子每 天都在學習辨識物體並且「叫名」(naming)。賽蒙對專家直覺 翻譯奇蹟也是同樣 翻譯看法, 當專家在新的情境看到熟悉的元素,他就依那個情境表現出最恰當 翻譯行為,那就是我們所 看到成功 翻譯直覺。好的直覺判斷就像孩子看到狗時叫狗狗一樣,是學習和經驗的累積。 ----------------------------------- 評: Simon’s point is that the miracles of expert intuition have the same character. 洪蘭:賽蒙對專家直覺的奇蹟也是同樣的看法 當作:賽蒙認為專家直覺的奇蹟具有同樣的特性 Valid intuitions develop 沒翻出來 「專家在新 翻譯情境看到熟悉 翻譯元素時,會發展出合理的直覺,並依情境做恰當的行動」 name things 居然直接把它改為「叫名」(naming)! 譯者未免太濫用她的權力了吧!! ----------------------------------- Unfortunately, professionals’ intuitions do not all arise from true expertise. Many years ago I visited the chief investment officer of a large financial firm, who told me that he had just invested some tens of millions of dollars in the stock of Ford Motor Company. When I asked how he had made that decision, he replied that he had recently attended an automobile show and had been impressed. “Boy, do they know how to make a car!” was his explanation. He made it very clear that he trusted his gut feeling and was satisfied with himself and with his decision. I found it remarkable that he had apparently not considered the one question that an economist would call relevant: Is Ford stock currently underpriced? Instead, he had listened to his intuition; he liked the cars, he liked the company, and he liked the idea of owning its stock. From what we know about the accuracy of stock picking, it is reasonable to believe that he did not know what he was doing. 很不幸的是,專業的直覺並非全部來自專家。許多年前,我去拜訪證券公司投資部門 翻譯一 位經理,他告訴我,他投資了千百萬美元在福特汽車公司的股票上 翻譯社我問他,他怎麼做這 個決定,他回答,他最近去一個汽車展示場,對福特 翻譯車子印象很好。「啊!他們真的知 道如何打造一輛汽車!」這就是他的解釋。他非常清楚地表示,他相信直覺,所以對他的 決定很滿意。我非常驚訝他沒有考慮經濟學家一定會問 翻譯一個問題:福特股票現在是低於 它 翻譯市場價值嗎?相反 翻譯,他聽從他的直覺,他喜歡福特汽車,喜歡福特公司,喜歡擁有 福特公司的股票,從我們對選擇股票的知識來說,這位投資專家可以說不知道自己在做什 麼。 ------------------- 評: expertise 專業技能,不是專家。 Unfortunately 翻譯公司 professionals’ intuitions do not all arise from true expertise. 洪蘭:很不幸的是,專業的直覺並非全部來自專家。 應作:「很不幸的是,專業人員 翻譯直覺並非全部來自真正 翻譯專業技能 翻譯社」 作者顯然不敢苟同那位經理挑選福特股票的決定過程,並以此說明專家也會不按專業來做 判斷,干「專業的直覺並非全部來自專家」什麼事? 做股票的經理沒用專業技能,而一個翻譯了51本書 翻譯學者,仍然沒有翻譯 翻譯專業技能, 這實在有點諷刺呢。 remarkable 是非比尋常,離「非常驚訝」還有距離 one question that an economist would call relevant relevant question 直接相關的問題,非「一定會問的一個問題」 accuracy of stock picking 如何正確選股 「選擇股票的知識」,好吧,不算太離譜 翻譯社 ------------------- The specific heuristics that Amos and I studied provided little help in understanding how the executive came to invest in Ford stock, but a broader conception of heuristics now exists, which offers a good account. An important advance is that emotion now looms much larger in our understanding of intuitive judgments and choices than it did in the past. The executive’s decision would today be described as an example of the affect heuristic, where judgments and decisions are guided directly by feelings of liking and disliking, with little deliberation or reasoning. 特維斯基和我所研究的捷徑,對了解大公司老板如何決定投資福特股票來說,沒有什麼實 質的幫助,但是現在有更廣泛的捷徑概念,它對上述行為就有很好的解釋 翻譯社一個重要的進 步是,情緒在了解直覺 翻譯判斷和選擇上變得很重要,而且遠比過去的角色重要 翻譯社今天,那 個投資經理的決定會被稱為情意的捷徑(affect heuristic),即判斷和決策直接受到喜 歡或不喜歡感覺的操弄,很少思辨和推理的成分在內。 ----------------- heuristics 是探索的過程或方法 (heuristic method or process) 一個心理學教授居然用「捷徑」潦草帶過,讓人匪夷所思 翻譯社 ------------------ When confronted with a problem—choosing a chess move or deciding whether to invest in a stock—the machinery of intuitive thought does the best it can. If the individual has relevant expertise, she will recognize the situation 翻譯公司 and the intuitive solution that comes to her mind is likely to be correct. This is what happens when a chess master looks at a complex position: the few moves that immediately occur to him are all strong. When the question is difficult and a skilled solution is not available, intuition still has a shot: an answer may come to mind quickly—but it is not an answer to the original question. The question that the executive faced (should I invest in Ford stock?) was difficult, but the answer to an easier and related question (do I like Ford cars?) came readily to his mind and determined his choice. This is the essence of intuitive heuristics: when faced with a difficult question 翻譯公司 we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution. 當碰到問題,比方說,決定下一步棋怎麼走,或是否投資某支股票時,直覺思考 翻譯機制會 盡力而為。假如這個人有相關 翻譯專業經驗,他會認得情境,浮現他心頭 翻譯直覺解決方法很 可能就是正確的。這是當一個西洋棋大師看到一盤複雜的棋,他馬上想到的幾步都很強勁 ,當問題很困難,又沒有技術上 翻譯解決知識時,直覺還是一個可行的方式。投資經理所面 對的問題(我是否該投資福特 翻譯股票?)很困難,但是一個比較簡單而且相關 翻譯答案馬上 就進入他的心中,決定了他的選擇。這是直覺捷徑的精髓,當面對困難問題時,我們常回 答比較容易的問題,而沒有回答真正的問題,而且我們通常沒有注意到這個替換。 ----------------------- 評: When the question is difficult and a skilled solution is not available 翻譯公司 intuition still has a shot. 洪蘭:當問題很困難,又沒有技術上的解決知識時,直覺還是一個可行 翻譯方式。 skilled solution 訓練有素的解決方法 still has a shot = 一個可行的方式?簡直亂來! still has a shot 仍然會試圖一搏 應作:當問題很困難,又沒有訓練有素的解決方法時,直覺仍然會試圖一搏 (所以後面再提到不顧專業,胡亂選股 翻譯例子) -------------------------------- The spontaneous search for an intuitive solution sometimes fails—neither an expert solution nor a heuristic answer comes to mind. In such cases we often find ourselves switching to a slower, more deliberate and effortful form of thinking. This is the slow thinking of the title. Fast thinking includes both variants of intuitive thought—the expert and the heuristic—as well as the entirely automatic mental activities of perception and memory, the operations that enable you to know there is a lamp on your desk or retrieve the name of the capital of Russia. 自動搜尋直覺的解決方法有時會失敗,不論是專家 翻譯解決方式或捷徑的回答都想不起來, 在這種情況下,我們會轉換到一個比較慢,比較特意,要費力的思考方式。這就是書名「 慢 翻譯思考」 (slow thinking)的意思。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯「快的思考」(fast thinking)包括各種直覺 的思考──專家 翻譯和捷徑的──以及整個自動化的知覺和記憶的心智活動,這種操作使你 知道桌上有一盞燈,或是回答出俄國的首都在莫斯科。 both variants of intuitive thought 直覺思考的兩種變化形式;不是各種直覺 翻譯思考 ------------------------------ The distinction between fast and slow thinking has been explored by many psychologists over the last twenty-five years. For reasons that I explain more fully in the next chapter 翻譯公司 I describe mental life by the metaphor of two agents, called System 1 and System 2, which respectively produce fast and slow thinking. I speak of the features of intuitive and deliberate thought as if they were traits and dispositions of two characters in your mind. In the picture that emerges from recent research 翻譯公司 the intuitive System 1 is more influential than your experience tells you, and it is the secret author of many of the choices and judgments you make. Most of this book is about the workings of System 1 and the mutual influences between it and System 2. 在過去二十五年裡,許多科學家都曾探討過快和慢兩種思考方式 翻譯區別。我在下一章中會 講到,為什麼我用系統一和系統二的比喻來描述心智生活,系統一代表著快的思考,系統 二是慢 翻譯思考。我會談到直覺 翻譯和特意的思考特質,就好像是你心中有兩個人的人格特質 翻譯社從最近 翻譯研究中得知,直覺的系統一是比經驗告訴你的還有影響力,它是你許多選擇和 判斷背後的秘密作者,這本書大部份是關於系統一的工作情形,以及系統一和系統二之間 相互的影響 翻譯社 -------------------- psychologists 翻為科學家?譯者是不是擔心許多人把心理學當作胡說八道 翻譯騙術呢? -- There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love. --- Chuck Palahniuk
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[請益] 請問企業社的英文要怎麼翻譯??
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怎麼翻才好?論翻譯原則 @ George的英語教室
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寶可夢手遊《Pokémon GO》官方在推特上宣布,為了新功能的上線準備,今(19)晚間起遊戲內道館將暫時停止服務。目前的冰系及火系寶可夢出現機率將大增活動於6/14日開跑並即將於今晚結束。官方先前就表示過,這次活動結束後將會立刻發表可以多人合作遊玩的新功能。但由於系統需要更新,所以新功能上線前將會有一小段時間無法進行遊玩。但一小段維修時間會是多久?且幾點開始維修?官方則沒有交代清楚的時間點。確定的是等到道館再次上線,就是玩家期待已久的合作功能上線的時候。究竟會是怎樣的新功能呢?相信再過不久就會揭曉。(莊哲瑋/綜合報導)
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%%AAABBB語言翻譯公司大家好,不知道這能不能在這問? 因為最近開始想應徵飯店的櫃檯人員,在準備英文履歷表 我查到的櫃檯接待人員翻譯是 "Reception counter staff" 不知道對嗎?? 我主要是應徵飯店的櫃檯接待人員,不知道有沒有飯店自己專門的說法? 謝謝
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You had me at hello和you complete me都是最高的情話,但是在感覺上前一句話,感情的成份大一些,後一句話還到場了理智的成分翻譯
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何謂 Debit Note 和 Credit Note?
買方籌算少付錢給賣方時,是要開 Debit Note 照舊 Credit Note?
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世界之窗-Google翻譯變準了? 等候將來穿著式口譯翻譯機可以全球通行
- Aug 30 Wed 2017 13:59
[問題] 請高手幫手 有關翻譯英文報價單
伊洛幹諾語翻譯語言翻譯公司比來 擔負雜物助理 主管請華碩翻譯社 翻譯英文報價單 看了良多資料 可是仍是 覺得要給有經驗的人看 請高手幫手 ~~~ 報價單號:09232010-1 (前面有附我們公司的資料我就不請翻譯了) 客戶名稱: 同一編號: 聯絡人: 德律風: 電話: 地址: 電子信箱: 項次 品名 規格 數目 單元 優惠單價 合計(未稅) 備註 1 2 3 4 未稅金額 NT$0 營業稅(5%) NT$0 總計 含稅金額 NT$0 主管覆核簽名:Marry 附註: (1). 以上報價為90翻譯社000顆批次量之優惠價,且金額均為未稅價翻譯 (2). 本報價單自報價日起30日有效。 (3). 接到預支貨款後,4周內交貨。 (4). 付款體式格局:訂貨時預支貨款50%,貨到3天後再付貨款50%。 (5). 本報價單含運至台灣單點運費。 (6). 本產品由國度認可之GMP大廠生產製造翻譯 (7). "匯款資訊:戶名:銀行 分行 *******公司 帳號: ******* (8). 確認後,請簽名回傳以利後續功課,感謝!! 客戶確認簽章 □ 確認報價後視同正式定單 --** 我翻譯後的 Quote No.:09232010-1 Custom Name: Invoice No.: Contactor: Phone: Address: Email : NO. Name/Commodity specification Quantity Unit SpecialUnitPrice Amount Remark 1 2 3 4 Subtotal NT$0 Sale tax(5%) NT$0 Total Due(tax including) NT$0 Director Check Signature: Marry Note: (1) The above guoted price is special unit price of bratch quantity for 90.000 tablet and net price excluding any tax. (2) This quoatation is valid for 30 days from the day of this letter. (3) Prompt within 4 weeks after receiving prepaid loan. (4) Payment: Prepaid 50% loan when ordering and pay the reamining 50% loan after 3 days of receiving goods . (5) This quoatation is based on FOB Taiwan. (6) The product is manufacturing by GMP standartd with national validating. (7) Transfer of fund: Bank Account Name : *** Bank *** Branch *******Ltd. Account No. :***** (8) Please reply back after signing signature in order to follow-up operation, thank you!! Customer Confirm Signature: □ Being formmal order after confirming quataion. 請高手幫忙 > < ~~
- Aug 30 Wed 2017 01:29
川普略懂中文?習近平發言時 他沒戴翻譯耳機卻頻點頭
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翻譯錯一堆 洪蘭暢銷書可退
- Aug 24 Thu 2017 20:26
[口譯] 台南徵短期日文口譯
科薩文翻譯語言翻譯公司※ 本格局僅限用於單次特約聘僱的口譯翻譯長期或固定聘僱人員請選用 [徵才] 發文花式 ※ 發文前務必先讀過版規與參考費率通知佈告。 以下 [必] 是必填,[選] 是選填。 ─────── 揭曉文章時,請按 Ctrl+Y 刪除本行以上內容 ────────── ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工 作 量:8hr/1day。(小時/天) [必]工作酬勞:時薪120元。(請載明預算或預算規模翻譯無明確預算會被依版規直接刪除翻譯) [必]觸及說話:日翻中、中翻日。(例如:中翻英) [必]所屬領域:生涯用語及機械操作。(例:教育/醫學/司法) [必]工作性質:隨行口譯。(例:隨行口譯、同步翻譯。) [必]工作所在:台南市安南區工業六路38號。 [必]應徵刻日:克日起~徵到為止翻譯 [必]聯系體例:廖小姐,06-3840008、0938611058 [必]付費體式格局:每個月5號發薪。(例:預支OO元訂金,交稿後XX天內付清餘額,脫稿後YY天內付清。 案主跟譯者需協議什麽時候及若何付款,以免往後爭議。) ────────────────────────────────────── [選]工作要求:N3程度以上(舊制:2~3級擺佈)(若未供應請勿刪除) [選]其他事項:在廠內擔負日本技師教導台灣員工機械操作翻譯,需久站翻譯(若未供給請勿刪除) ──────────────────────────────────────
- Aug 23 Wed 2017 06:53
- Aug 23 Wed 2017 05:51
寶可夢巨匠攻略 快去攻佔道館
- Aug 23 Wed 2017 03:27
《復仇者2》翻譯遭批 「網路字幕組大勝」
超等英雄大片《復仇者聯盟2》爭先全球在台上映開出亮眼成就單,劇中不僅大牌雲集,絢麗的特效也令粉絲感到過癮翻譯但有網友指出英文原文中許多梗,卻在糟糕的翻譯下變得無感。暱稱「色色」的網友在批踢踢電影板分享文章,說道《復仇者聯盟2》是自己本年最等候的高文,但看完後卻有種在看《變形金剛4》的感受翻譯他認為看完《復仇者同盟2》後,有些片斷看字幕不只無感,連主要劇情都翻錯。「色色」認為難不成是片商希望大家3、4刷(意指進場次數)所埋下的陰謀嗎?真心覺得換個好字幕會有多篇極好雷洗版的,希望DVD版本可以重新翻譯。「色色」舉出很多翻譯有問題的例子,像是反派機械人奧創的台詞「I’m MIT」,被翻成華碩翻譯社很堅固;幻視台詞「I am… I am」在聖經裡是神的自稱,但翻譯卻以為他是在說「本身是Javis」,應當要翻成「我不是奧創,我也不是老賈(Javis),華碩翻譯社就是我」;未變身前的浩克與黑孀婦再房間的對話中,黑孀婦說道本身只不外是被練習出來的殺手,個中「nothing more than」居然被翻譯成意思完全相反的「不但是」翻譯而鷹眼妻子一句希望確保隊友們大家互相攙扶的「have your back」被翻成「護衛翻譯公司」。很多網友看完後,紛纭推文回應「翻譯真的很糟,超誇大」、「許多笑點都不見了」、「翻譯許多處所翻的不順,用聽的比力可笑」,也有網友認為有些人物對白看起來「答非所問,底子不懂想表達什麼」。固然台灣爭先全球上映,但翻譯問題也讓網友不由問道「豈非是因為全球最早上映,所以翻譯時候很趕嗎」,乃至有網友嘲諷「連網路字幕組都大勝」。(隋昊志/綜合報道)
- Aug 23 Wed 2017 00:09
- Aug 22 Tue 2017 11:52
- Aug 22 Tue 2017 11:01
- Aug 22 Tue 2017 09:42
- Aug 22 Tue 2017 08:58